【同义词辨析】 2019-03-28 残暴outrageous-atrocious
outrageous: implies exceeding the limits of what is right or decent or bearable or tolerable: ~ terrorist acts against civilians.
enormous: applies to what is inconceivably, abnormally, or fantastically wrong, absurd, or horrible: a ~ waste of the taxpayers' money.
heinous: implies such flagrant evil or conspicuous enormity as inevitably excites hatred or horror: ~ crimes that exceeded normal wartime actions. (flagrant公然罪恶昭彰,无法逃避关注或被原谅offenses or errors so bad that they can neither escape notice nor be condoned,如flagrant abuse of the office of president公然滥用总统职权,flagrant disregard of human rights公然漠视人权,"the nuclear test is a flagrant violation of international law and existing UNSC resolutions," Russia's foreign ministry said in a statement"核试验公然违反了国际法和安理会决议",俄外交部在声明中说)
atrocious: implies such merciless cruelty, savagery, or contempt of ordinary values as excites condemnation: decent people cannot condone such ~ treatment of prisoners. (savage野蛮残忍ruthless and cruel,等于atrocious和barbarous,如a savage attack野蛮的攻击)
outrageous骇人的无法容忍的: 超出能容忍的极限,enormous巨大的(贬): 表示巨大反常难以想象的错误荒谬可怕,heinous邪恶: 指公然的邪恶罪恶,令人恐惧仇恨,atrocious残暴: 形容残忍野蛮践踏一般价值,令人谴责。
记忆方法: 1)首字母OEHA排序成EHAO噩耗<==残暴的消息
2)残暴的意思是十分恶劣令人恐惧mean enormously bad or horrible.